the cursed crusade en chinois
- 圣战魔咒
- chrno crusade: 圣枪修女...
- cursed : la rebelle: 天命之咒...
- disgaea 2: cursed memories: 魔界战记2...
- world of warcraft: the burning crusade: 魔兽世界:燃烧的远征...
- our last crusade or the rise of a new world: 你与我最后的战场,亦或是世界起始的圣战...
- the curse of monkey island: 猴岛的诅咒...
- the current war : les pionniers de l'électricité: 电流大战 (电影)...
- the cut: 切肤之歌...
- the cure for insomnia: 失眠的解药...
- the cw television network: CW电视网...
- the cure: 治疗乐队...
- the daily beast: 每日野兽...
- the cullinan towers: 天玺 (香港)...
- the daily mirror: 每日镜报...